This raised bed is my lowest but is still almost a foot high.
Un-sodding the ground underneath these boxes was
definitely not one of the easiest things I've ever done. I've heard you can also lay down cardboard on the grass, it's suppose to kill the grass but then break down underneath the garden soil. This garden has 2 different types of tomatoes, bush beans, onion chives, 5 mixed sweet peppers, 2 pacman broccoli and 2 non stop begonias. A bug of some sort snacked on one of my broccoli leaves though :(

This is Megan's raised planter. It has 3 different kids of spinach, a chocolate cherry tomato, bell pepper,
lucifer onions, freckles lettuce,
oregon sugar snap peas and cucumbers. I don't have any good pictures of Eddie's garden but I'll go out and take some later today if it gets sunny enough.
Ok, so this picture isn't exactly a picture of my garden but it is a picture of my first garden harvest of the year. I really nice mix of butter crunch, freckles and red sails lettuce. We also tossed in some fresh from the garden chopped onion chives. The salad was great!
We have over 25 lettuce plants in the garden so far and it's producing enough lettuce for our family of 4 to eat a big salad every other night, if not every night! I also have a ton of spinach out in the garden that I can start using in the salads as well. I can't wait until my radishes, carrots and broccoli get big enough!
Ok, well I have to head out grocery shopping but I'll add more pictures soon :)
and a big hello to my one and only follower!!! Since I saw that at least one person out there was checking this out I was inspired to post a new blog and add some pics. Enjoy!